Chapter 10. Extending Notation

This chapter gives an introduction of Notation Extension. It gives basic concepts of Notation Extension and simple specification of language syntax for Notation Extension. For example, it shows how to add new sort diagram to take advantage of Notation Extension.

Why Notation Extension?

Notation Extension is a extension concept for user to define and use user's own notation for UML model. StarUML supports platform to operate the featrue of Notation Extension. Well, why Notation Extension is needed?

By expressing notation(form) in the same way as before but describing model with UML model, it gives to users mutual supplement, efficiency, and compatibility between old area and UML area.

Notation Extension Language

Basic Syntax

Syntax of Notation Extension Language is similar to Scheme language(dialect of LISP). Basic unit is expression and whole statement consists of one expression. Expression is composed of value or operation expression. Value means real, integer, string, boolean, identifier. Operation expression starts with "(" and ends with ")". Operator and operands(they describe another expressions) appear in parentheses. Operator and identifier are not case-sensitive. Comment style follows the comment rule of C++ and Java. Comment uses "//" on one line and "/*  */" on multiple lines.

expr ::= flt | int | str | bool | nil | ident | "(" oper (expr)* ")" ;

First statement of Notation Extension Language is "notation" expression. Operator is "notation", and arguments are "onarrange" and "ondraw" expressions. A "notation" expression corresponds to a "stereotype" in profile. The "notation" expression describes how stereotype shape is shown. When stereotyped element is shown in diagram, the expression is executed. First, "onarrange" expression executes argumented expressions to recalculate element position . "ondraw" expression is executed to draw element after "onarrange" expression execution.

    (onarrange ...)
    (ondraw ...)

The followings are available argument expression for "onarrange" and "ondraw" expression.

sequence expression

"sequence" expression groups and executes arguments in order. The arguments of "sequence" expression are also expression and the number of them is not limited.

(sequence expr1 expr2 ...)

The following example shows that one "sequence" expression groups 3 expressions.

  (+ 10 20)       // 10 + 20
  (- 20 30 40)    // 20 - 30 - 40
  (/ 10 20)       // 10 / 20

if expression

"if" expression represents conditional syntax. First argument is condition, second argument is executed if condition is true, and third argument is executed if condition is not. Third argument appears optionally. If third argument is omitted and condition is false, "if" expression doesn't execute anything.

(if condition-expr on-true-expr on-false-expr? )

The following example shows that expression increases "count" variable if "i" value is between 0 and 30, but decreases "count" variable  if not.

(if (or (<= i 0) (>= i 30))    // if (i <= 0 || i >= 30)
    (set count (+ count 1))    //   count++; 
    (set count (- count 1))    // else
)                              //   count--;

for expression

"for" expression repeats expression while specified variable is from initial value to end value. First argument is a variable name to be used for repetition. Second is initial value and third is end value. The last is expression to be executed on each step of repetition.

(for identifier init-expr end-expr expr)

The following is example which prints 1 to 10 on the screen.

(for i 1 10                           // for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
    (textout 100 (+ 100 (* i 20))     //    textout(100, 100+(i*20), i);

set expression

"set" expression assigns variable to value. Variable declaration is not required. It is declared automatically and bounded as global variable when it is used.

(set identifier value-expr)

The following example shows that it assigns a, b variables, concatenates a and b, and assigns result to c variable.

(set a 'My name is ')       // a = "My name is ";
(set b 'foo')               // b = "foo";
(set c (concat a b))        // c = a + b;

arthmetic, logical, comparison operator

Supported mathematical operators are "+", "-", "*", "/", and logical operators are "and", "or", "not". And it supports "=", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=" operators for comparison.

(+ 1 (/ 10 5) (- (* 2 3) 6))     // 1 + (10/5) + (2*3-6)
(and (< i 10) (not (= j 20)))    // (i < 10) && (!(j == 20))

built-in function

Built-in functions supported on Notation Extension Language are grouped by the followings:

Mathematical functions

The following is list of built-in functions related to mathematic.

Signature Description
(sin angle)

returns the sine of the angle.

(cos angle)

returns the cosine of the angle.

(tan angle)

returns the tangent of the angle.

(trunc val)

truncates a real-type value to an integer-type value. val is a real-type expression.

(round val)

returns an integer value that is the value of val rounded to the nearest whole number. If val is exactly halfway between two whole numbers, the result is always the even number.

String functions

The following is list of built-in functions related to string processing.

Signature Description
(concat str1 str2...)

concatenates all argument strings to one string.

(trim str)

removes leading and trailing spaces and control characters from the given string.

(length str)

returns the number of characters in argument string.

(tokenize str deli)

returns the list of strings that results when a string is separated by deli delimiter.

List functions

The following is list of built-in functions related to list processing.

Signature Description
(list val1 val2 ...) returns list which is composed of arguments.
(append lst lst)

appends item to the end of list list.

(append lst item)
(itemat lst index)

returns an item at index in list.

(itemcount lst)

returns the number of items in argument list.

Mode access functions

The following is list of built-in functions related to model acess.

Signature Description
(mofattr elem attr)

returns in strings the default type attribute values of modeling elements as defined by arguments.

(mofsetattr elem attr val)

assigns "val" value to "attr" attribute of modeling elements.

(mofref elem ref)

returns the reference type attribute (object reference) values of modeling elements as defined by arguments.

(mofcolat elem col at) returns the attribute value (object reference) of the "at" order item in the reference collection of modeling elements as defined by arguments.
(mofcolcount elem col)

returns the count number of items in reference collection as defined by arguments.

(constraintval elem name)

returns constraint contained in the element.

(tagval elem tagset name)

returns taggedvalue, whose type is primitive type, of element in tagd efinition set.

(tagref elem tagset name)

returns taggedvalue, whose type is reference, of element in tag definition set.

(tagcolat elem tagset name at)

returns item in taggedvalue(collectio type) of element in tag definition set.

(tagcolcount elem tagset name)

returns length of items in taggedvalue(collectio type) of element in tag definition set.

Graphic functions

The following is list of built-in functions related to style.

Signature Description
(setpencolor color)

set Color to change the color used to draw lines or outline shapes. The way the color is used by the pen depends on the Mode and Style properties.

Color can have one of the following values:
Value Meaning
clNone White
clAqua Aqua
clBlack Black
clBlue Blue
clCream Cream
clDkGray Dark Gray
clFuchsia Fuchsia
clGray Gray
clGreen Green
clLime Lime green
clLtGray Light Gray
clMaroon Maroon
clMedGray Medium Gray
clMoneyGreen Mint green
clNavy Navy blue
clOlive Olive green
clPurple Purple
clRed Red clGrayText
clSilver Silver
clSkyBlue Sky blue
clTeal Teal
clWhite White
clYellow Yellow

(setpenstyle style)

Use Style to draw a dotted or dashed line, or to omit the line that appears as a frame around shapes.

Style can have one of the following values:

Value Meaning
psSolid A solid line.
psDash A line made up of a series of dashes.
psDot A line made up of a series of dots.
psDashDot A line made up of alternating dashes and dots.
psDashDotDot A line made up of a series of dash-dot-dot combinations.
psClear No line is drawn (used to omit the line around shapes that draw an outline using the current pen).
psInsideFrame A solid line, but one that may use a dithered color if Width is greater than 1.
(setbrushcolor color)

set the color of the brush. Color can have one of the color list above.

(setbrushstyle style) bsSolid, bsClear, bsHorizontal, bsVertical, bsFDiagonal, bsBDiagonal, bsCross, bsDiagCross
(setfontface font)

set the typeface of the font.

(setfontcolor color)

set the color of the font. Color can have one of the color list above.

(setfontsize size) set size of the font.
(setfontstyle style)

set the style of the font. Style is composed of the followings and seperator is "|" character.

Value Meaning
fsBold The font is boldfaced.
fsItalic he font is italicized.
fsUnderline The font is underlined.
fsStrikeOut The font is displayed with a horizontal line through it.

Restore the Pen, Brush, Font informations to the default value.

The following is list of built-in functions related to graphic.

Signature Description
(textheight str)

Returns the height of a string in pixels, rendered in the current font.

(textwidth str)

Returns the width of a string rendered in the current font (in pixels).

(textout x y str)

Writes a string on the screen, starting at the point (X,Y).

(textbound x1 y1 x2 y2 yspace text clipping)

writes a string on area (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) of screen. yspace is line space. if clipping is true, string bounded to area is written.

(textrect x1 y1 x2 y2 x y str)

writes a string on area (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) of screen, starting at the point (X,Y).

The following is list of built-in functions related to shape.

Signature Description
(rect x1 y1 x2 y2)

Draws a rectangle defined by the points (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2).

(filerect x1 y1 x2 y2)

Fills the specified rectangle on the canvas using the current brush.

(ellipse x1 y1 x2 y2)

Draws the ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle on the screen.

(roundrect x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3)

Draws a rectangle with rounded corners on the screen.

(arc x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4) draws an arc inside an ellipse bounded by the rectangle defined by (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2). The arc starts at the intersection of the line drawn between the ellipse center ((X1+X2) / 2.0,(Y1+Y2) / 2.0) and the point (X3,Y3) and is drawn counterclockwise until it reaches the intersection of the line drawn between the ellipse center and the point (X4,Y4)
(pie x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4) draws a pie-shaped wedge on the image. The wedge is defined by the ellipse bounded by the rectangle determined by the points (X1, Y1) and X2, Y2). The section drawn is determined by two lines radiating from the center of the ellipse through the points (X3, Y3) and (X4, Y4)
(drawbitmap x y img transparent)

renders the image specified by the parameter on the screen at the location given by the coordinates (X, Y). Use transparent argument to specify that the image be drawn transparently. Use x2, y2 argument to stretch image.

(drawbitmap x1 y1 x2 y2 img transparent)
(moveto x y)

changes the current drawing position to the point (X,Y).

(lineto x y)

draws a line on the canvas from pen position to the position specified by X and Y, and sets the pen position to (X, Y).

(line x1 y1 x2 y2)

draws a line on the canvas from (x1, y1) position to the position specified by (x2, y2).

(pt x y)

returns a Point structure from a pair of coordinates.

(polygon (pt x1 y1) (pt x2 y2) ...)

draws a series of lines on the canvas connecting the points passed in and closing the shape by drawing a line from the last point to the first point.

(polyline (pt x1 y1) (pt x2 y2) ...)

draws a series of lines on the canvas with the current pen, connecting each of the points passed to it in Points.

(polybezier (pt x1 y1) (pt x2 y2) ...)

draws a set of Bezier curves.

(ptatx index)

It is available when current view element is edge element. it returns x value of point structure at index of edge.

(ptaty index)

It is available when current view element is edge element. it returns y value of point structure at index of edge.


It is available when current view element is edge element. it returns the number of points of edge.

(drawedge headOrTail endStyle)

It is available when current view element is edge element. it draws end of edge in argument style. Style is composed of the followings and seperator is "|" character.

Value Shape
(drawobject elem)

draws element in original style.

(arrangeobject elem)

arranges element in original style.

Creating a New Type of Diagram

There are some preparations to utilize Notation Extension. First, profile is needed. It describes which stereotype it applies Notation Extension to. Second, Notation Extension file(*.NXT) is needed. It describes how notation is drawn. You should connect Notation Extension to stereotype in profile. Properties to be used in Notation Extension should also be inserted as tagged value in profile. Let me introduce to you how to create ER-Diagram notations for example of Notation Extension.

Profile Definition

Looking around elements in ER-Diagram, it consists of several elements (Table, Column, Relationship, etc.).

You should make stereotypes for table, column, relationship, etc. and apply stereotypes to UML models (Class, Association, Attribute) to map ER models to UML models. These are described like the followings in profile. You add <STEREOTYPE> sub element named "table" to <STEREOTYPELIST> element and assign <BASECLASS> element's value as "UMLClass" to apply stereotype to "UMLClass" typed model. In order for the class stereotyped "table" to be shown as ER notation, Notation Extension filename("table.nxt") should be specified to <NOTATOIN> element.

For "column" stereotype, Additional tagged values are required to indicate whether column is PK, FK, AK, or IK. So tag definition set name("table" in this case) that define these tagged values are defined is described in <RELATEDTAGDEFINITIONSET> element.

<PROFILE version="1.0">



Tag definition set is described in <TAGDEFINITIONSET> element of <TAGDEFINITIONSETLIST> and <TAGDEFINITIONSET> element is composed of <TAGDEFINITION> elements that describe tagged value's properties(name, type, and default value) added for column stereotype. In the following example, tagged values to Identify PK and FK are added, each tagged value's type is boolean, and each default value is false. (it means that every column is neither primary key nor foreign key at the first time after construction)



                    <TAGDEFINITION lock="False">

                    <TAGDEFINITION lock="False">

To select diagram that shows stereotypes after definition of stereotypes, define new diagram named "ER Diagram" to <DIAGRAMTYPE> element in <DIAGRAMTYPELIST> element, describe <BASEDIAGRAM> element's value as "ClassDiagram" for diagram to be based on class diagram, and describe pallette reference name("ERD(IE)") to <AVALIABLEPALLETTE> element.

                <NAME>ER(IE) Diagram</NAME>
                <DISPLAYNAME>ER(IE) Diagram</DISPLAYNAME>

The pallette informations are described in <PALLETTE> element. <PALLETTE> element is list that has reference of pallete button item.The detail informations for pallette button item are described to <ELEMENTPROTOTYPE> element. <NAME> element describes the element's name to be created, <DISPLAYNAME> and <ICON> elements describes the button item's name and image file name on pallette, <DRAGTYPE> element means whether mouse action style is like rectangle or edge style, <BASEELEMENT> and <STEREOTYPENAME> elements mean that created element is "Class" element and the element's stereotype is assigned to "table". To draw element by notation extension at once after element creation, <SHOWEXTENSION> element's value should be set to true.

                <DISPLAYNAME>ERD(IE) Diagram</DISPLAYNAME>


Writing Notation Extension

Though data modeling is available by defining profile only, Notation Extension file(*.nxt) that is described to profile's <NOTATION> element should be written in order that models are shown in ER notation.

The following is summary of "table.nxt" file that draw notation for "table" stereotype. "onarrange" expression configures status required to draw "table". "ondraw" expression draws parts of table name, PK column, and other columns.

    (onarrange ...)

        // draw name part ...

        // draw PK column part ...

        // draw other column part ...

The first part (name compartment) is that variables for drawing are configured and name string got from model is written starting at the point (x, y).

(set x left)
(set y top)
(set name (mofattr model 'Name'))
(textout x y name)

Here, "left" and "top" variables are reserved variables. They take values from StarUML platform on each time of executing Notation Extension, and may return values to StarUML platform again on end time of execution Notation Extension. The followings behaving like this are reserved variables.

Variable View element Returns to StarUML platform Description
view Node,Edge not return

target view to be drawn

model Node,Edge not return

model of target view to be drawn

left Node return

target view's left-most position

top Node return

target view's top-most position

right Node return

target view's right-most position

bottom Node return

target view's bottom-most position

width Node return

target view's width

height Node return

target view's height

minwidth Node not return

minimum width of target view

minheight Node not return

minimum height of target view

points Edge not return

point collection of target edge view

head Edge not return

head element of target edge view

tail Edge not return

tail element of target edge view

The following checks whether current table is dependent on others and draws property table shape. Repeating current table(class)'s association, if association's head end connects to current table, it means table is dependent, table is drawn as rounded rectangle. Unless, table is drawn as rectangle and it means that table is independent on others.

(set isSuperType true)

(set c (mofcolcount model 'Associations'))
(for i 0 (- c 1)
        (set assocEnd (mofcolat model 'Associations' i))
        (if (= assocEnd (mofcolat (mofref assocEnd 'Association') 'Connections' 1))
            (set isSuperType false)
// outline
(if isSuperType
    (rect x y right bottom)
    (roundrect x y right bottom 10 10))

When displaying columns, repeating all the columns that table contains, elements whose PK tagged value is true are drawn over the other columns, PK icon is drawn on the left side and column name is drawn on the right side.

(for i 0 (- (mofColCount model 'Attributes') 1)
        // select i-th column
        (set attr (mofColAt model 'Attributes' i))
        // column is PK?
        (if (tagVal attr 'ERD' 'column' 'PK')
                (set attrName (mofAttr attr 'Name'))
                (drawbitmap x y 'primarykey.bmp' true)
                (textout (+ x 16) y attrName)
                ... ))))
(line left y right y)

And so repeating all the columns again, elements whose PK tagged value is not true are drawn with column icon and name under the PK columns.

(for i 0 (- (mofColCount model 'Attributes') 1)
        // select i-th column
        (set attr (mofColAt model 'Attributes' i))
        (set keys '')
        // column is not PK?
        (if (= (tagVal attr 'ERD' 'column' 'PK') false)
            (set attrName (mofAttr attr 'Name'))
            // draw column
            (drawbitmap x y 'column.bmp' true))
            (textout (+ x 16) y attrName)
                ... ))))

Installing and Using Notation Extension

The Notation Extension file must exist in path that is described in profile. In this case of "table" stereotype, because path is not described and file name is only described, put profile and notation extension file in same folder.

If you have done all, do the following steps for installation.

  1. Create new module folder in staruml/modules folder.
  2. Put profile, notation extension file, and related image files into the module folder.
  3. Restart StarUML and installation is done.



The following is how to take advantage of notation extension.

  1. Start StarUML.
  2. Click [Model] -> [Profiles...] menu.

  3. [Profile Manager] dialog box appears and select Data Modeling profile in [Available profiles] listbox and click [Include] button.

  4. Select package that is going to contain ER-Diagram on [Model Explorer], and click [Add Diagram] -> [ER(IE) Diagram] popup menu.

  5. ER-Diagram appears on [Main] window and pallette for ER modeling is shown on [toolbox].

  6. Use notation on pallette and do modeling. Click button and set tagged values on [Tagged Value Editor]'s [ERD] tab to configure column property.

  7. Write ER Modeling.